
ORA-02100 to ORA-04099

ORA-02298: 无法验证 (【SCHEMA名】.【约束名】) - 未找到父项关键字

ORA-02298: cannot validate (string.string) - parent keys not found

原因1: alter table操作时由于该表有孤立子记录导致验证约束失败。

an alter table validating constraint failed because the table has orphaned child records.

ORA-02437: 无法验证 (【SCHEMA名】.【主键名】) - 违反主键

ORA-02437: cannot validate (string.string) - primary key violated

原因1: 尝试使用重复值或空值验证主键。

attempted to validate a primary key with duplicate values or null values.

ORA-04098: 触发器 ‘【SCHEMA名】.【触发器名】’ 无效且未通过重新验证

ORA-04098: trigger ‘string.string’ is invalid and failed re-validation

原因1: 检索执行到无效的触发器。它也表示该触发器编译/授权失败。

A trigger was attempted to be retrieved for execution and was found to be invalid. This also means that compilation/authorization failed for the trigger.